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Java Projects

Here is a list of some (not all) java projects I’ve made, which includes some fun games along with a little bit of explaination about how they work

Gravity Game

This is a simple 2-D game to simulate newtonian gravity, it uses the Java.awt and Java,swing libraries to create an app.

Github link: https://github.com/taitaisama/Gravity

Picture Galary: (sorry for low resolution)

A simple soral system like orbit:

solar system

Sometimes the orbits create beautiful patterns:


And other times its just chaos:


You can create a binary star system:


Or maybe a planet steals another planet and makes it a moon:


Or two planets orbiting each others and moons orbiting about them both:


The possibilities are Endless!

Check the github page to download


This is a Tic-Tac-Toe game on 3x3, 4x4, 5x5 and 7x7 boards playable on the terminal itself. The computer plays against the human and if you set the difficulty high then it will never lose!

The games are solved by the computer using minimax algorithm, along with other efficiencies in the bigger boards like pruning of serach tree, dynamically storing previous positions using a custon hash, variable deapth of search and a custom cost function that tells us approximately how much each player is winning in a situation. The 7x7 program actually functions similarly in basic concepts to a chess engine, altho simpler. To know more about how eacch of these algorithms works you can read the documentation availible on the repository.

Github link: https://github.com/taitaisama/TicTacToe


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The 7x7 TicTacToe is the best 7x7 tictactoe that I’ve been able to find, online ones kinda arent that good and lose pretty easily


This is a terminal based sudoku puzzle solver and generator which works on the backtracking algorithm. Put simply, backtracking is a general algorithm to generate all solutions to a problem in which you one by one iterate over all of the variables and “backtrack” if you dont satisfy a contraint.

Github link: https://github.com/taitaisama/Sudoku

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Anime App

This is an android plus ios app made using flutter in Dart programming language. It can be used to search on the website MyAnimeList for anime, manga and characters using API calls.

Github link: https://github.com/taitaisama/AnimeApp
